About Us
Cordell Carpet specializes in home interiors.
With complimentary estimates and helpful staff to answer all your home, business or cottage renovation and decorating needs; our goal is to help you achieve success with your projects, while saving you time and money.
Serving Haliburton County since 1976.
Paint & stain
Computerized Tinting and Matching Service
Benjamin Moore Paints from Super Spec to Aura
Friendly, Knowledgeable, Colour Consultants
Exterior Paint and Stain
Hardwood including Wide Plank Floors
Laminate Flooring
Luxury Vinyl Tile, Sheet Vinyl Flooring
Carpet & Area Rugs
Mannington, Goodfellow, Fuzion
Shaw, Coronet, Mohawk Air-O, Lexmark
Ceramic Tile
Porcelain, Slate, Natural Stone, Glass, Granite
All sizes from Mosaics to 24" x 24"
Olympia, Centura, Ceratec, Tilemaster, Midgley & West
Window Coverings
Hunter Douglas Priority Dealer
Free Shop at Home Service
Custom Draperies, Sheers, Valances
Up-to-date Fabric and Shade Showroom
Measuring, Estimating, Installations, Advice
Staff attend all training and education courses.
Colour matching, Consulting
Attractive showroom with entry level to high end products.